29 Dec


I like the www.humanstxt.org initiative. Provide some human information about your website in a readable text file humans.txt, add some information like a colophon, credits, thanks and contact details etc.

upload the humans.txt file to your server and add the meta link to your webpage

<link rel=”author” href=”humans.txt” />

or use theĀ https:/.org/plugins/humanstxt/ plugin, and use the wordpress variables to dynamically generate the humans.txt file.

the humans responsible & colophon
I like the humans.txt http://www.humanstxt.org initative

Webdeveloper: Conor Gilmer
Contact: webwayz [at] gmail.com
Twitter: @webwayz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ConorGilmer
Skype: conor.gilmer
Site: http://www.webwayz.ie
From: Dublin, Ireland

Last update: 2023/07/18
Language: English
Doctype: XHTML 1.0 Transitional
CMS: WordPress 6.2.5 (running PHP 7.3.33)
Software: Vim, FileZilla, Apache, GIMP, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL
Standards: HTML5, CSS


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