11 Nov

Some other courses on LinkedIn Learning

I have a test environment on a linux box, doing some number crunching, and wanted to have it cloned on my laptop so decided to use VirtualBox. So to tune up I decided to do some of the unix courses on LinkedIn Learning.

LinkedIn Learning Courses
  • AWK Essentials – I always found awk surprisingly useful for data manipulation, this is quite a comprehensive course and I would encourage anyone dealing with data, scripting and system/network admins who may need to use it for stuff like analysing log files or tailoring them for spreadsheets etc. to look at AWK as a useful tool.
  • Linux : Overview and Installation – a good intro to linux, background and for me especially salient for setting up linux on a oracle virtual box. Haven’t used RedHat or its derivatives in a while so CentOS will be good to dabble in.
  • SED Essentials – More to follow up on using technologies like AWK, I did the SED course, took about 2 hours. I have used SED in the past to convert data files, with glorious regular expressions to migrate the files to a newer version of s/w.
  • Unix for Mac OSX Users – a long course over 6 hours, I took it over a few days, perhaps a bit long and could have been broken up, would have preferred the vi editor to be used rather than pico/nano but thats being finickey. It is very comprehensive on Unix tools, which i found incredibly useful, even if I have used Unix for years. Tools like grep, tr, sed, cut, diff, find and xargs i found especially salient. the last chapter on Mac Unix specific features is also very handy.
  • Learning vi – as a vim user i did this as a refresher course, and you do learn one or two tricks and short cuts, as well as some more regular expressions.
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